Tuesday, May 7, 2013

China and Company

Have you check China lately?

In regards to tech industries in the land of Kung Fu, names like Baidu emerges in the news. Baidu is the largest search engine in China (after Google left the mainland from the pressure of the government regarding censorship).
Now Huawei is emerging after the government and state media is pounding Apple regarding the products it offers to its citizen.

It is so obvious that the model China want in their country is the model of business the USA has. In the US, the likes of IBM, HP, Apple, Google, Microsoft are all American companies working and serving mostly American - so the Chinese leaders thought - why don't we kick out all non-Chinese company inside China? Pressure them to quit business here and let's make our own Chinese version of that company we just kicked? In that case all the profit and all the money will be inside the borders.

What industry will be the next?
Your thoughts?

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